Ever taken the plunge on a second-hand motor and then realised you've bought a stinker? You're not alone - a new survey says Britons waste £456m per year buying the wrong used car.
Network Q’s research shows that 28 per cent of Britons regret buying the used car they did. Nearly half of those bad decisions are made at local independent dealers; another 40 per cent when buying privately.
It’s not all down to pushy salesmen either: 32 per cent of those surveyed blamed their own lack of knowledge and only 23 per cent blamed untrustworthy sales staff.
The research was not confined to cars: when asked about their other purchasing decisions, 89 per cent admitted to buying the wrong thing. The average wasted per person per year is put at £290, with East Anglians blowing £406 and people in the south west a more modest £174.
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