It's been a ruddy busy week. We've had so many scrappage schemes, new reveals, announcements and events that it was as hard to edit the list down as it was to make sure nothing had been overlooked.
Anyway, here are the six things that this week brought a little excitement to the automotive world and the one (big) thing that cast an irritating shadow.
The best things I've seen all week
At the beginning of the week, I sampled the Duster’s off-road ability and was massively impressed. I’ve always had a bit of a crush on the Dacia Duster due to its chunky, powerful, mini-mud-plugger looks.
Then on Wednesday, Dacia changed everything by revealing the new, improved and far more grown-up Duster. Where before there was a rough-and-ready gruffness to its look, the car has matured into a fully fledged fighter of SUVs in the price band above it. In other words: all of them.
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At least these scrappage
At least these scrappage schemes aren't "legally scrapped" schemes, they're nothing more than tarted up part exchange schemes. Once the old car is signed over to the dealer they can do as they wish - scrap, send to auction, sell to a used car specialist etc.
Some are true scrappage
Some of the schemes are, as described my the manufacturers, true scrappage schemes, at least for some cars (particularly pre-EU4 emissions spec cars) - the car must be scrapped for the manufacturer to offer the cash.
There is no legal requirement, so if the trade-in has value the dealer could decide to offer from his own pocket instead of the manufacturer's in the hope that he can get gain from selling it on, but there is still a risk that some interesting cars get scrapped.