Ever had that sinking feeling when you’re sure you’ve taken a wrong turn and you have little clue how to get back on track again? I did when I was trying to find the new headquarters of Elemental Cars.

A few weeks ago the nascent British sports car company moved into new premises near Hambledon in Hampshire. An invitation to pop down and see the first full production version of the firm’s first car, the RP1, was appealing considering I live all of 30 miles away from the new base.

If only it was that simple. It turns out Elemental has set up shop in the back of beyond; a closed road in Hambledon village threw my satnav out of kilter, and necessitated a diversion. As I threaded down an ever-narrowing country lane and came to a ‘dead end’ road sign, I became convinced I’d gone very, very wrong.

We've driven the new Elemental RP1 - and it is fantastic

Incredibly, I was on the right road. As I found out by ignoring the dead end sign and driving on, Elemental has decided to build its high-tech new open-top sports car on a farm.

Elemental aero web 0545 0

If all this sounds as if I don’t approve of Elemental’s new location, nothing could be further from the truth: I think it is fantastic, and I’m sure that many prospective owners will love the ‘secret society’ feel, especially because the local roads are fantastic for keen drivers.