I'm almost kind of half-thinking about maybe being convinced by carbonfibre wheels. Almost.

In next week’s issue, you will find our annual Britain’s Best Driver’s Car contest, two of whose competitors (not a spoiler alert, I don’t think), the Alpine A110 R and Ariel Atom 4R, arrived on composite wheels. Both were expensive cars, but previously I’ve generally tried rims like this on high-end supercars.

Just a few weeks ago, I drove a Porsche 911 S/T, which doesn’t have composite wheels but does have magnesium ones. Porsche’s engineers were keen to point out the similar reason why they had used this material: a reduction in wheel weight.

In particular, it’s a reduction of unsprung mass: the bit on the road side of the springs, so the tyres, wheels, hubs, brakes, wishbones and so on. Reducing this is helpful dynamically. The lighter it all is, the easier it is to control the wheel’s movement.

I wondered if lighter wheels improved a car’s ride: the 911 S/T rolls more easily than the 911 GT3 Touring, with which it shares suspension hardware. But no, not particularly, said the engineer from Porsche.

Porsche 911 S/T wheel

What they do help is traction (because a lighter wheel is deflected less by bumps and then finds the road again more quickly) and acceleration and braking (because a lighter wheel has less rotational inertia than a heavier one). So it’s easier to get it going and easier to stop it. The car therefore feels – and is – more agile.